paragraph on noise pollution of 100,150,200,250,300.


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Section on Noise Defamation - 100 Words Classes 1, 2, 3 Children

Sound is what we hear what others say. Modest sound is attractive and good for our health. Unbalanced noise disturbs our ears. It causes many health problems. These uneven sounds together create noise pollution. Noise pollution has never been good for anyone.

Human activities are a major source of noise pollution. Other natural phenomena such as thunderstorms, lightning, and earthquakes also cause pollution. Noise pollution is usually temporary. Noise pollution, for the most part, affects the health of humans and other living things on earth.

Section on Noise Defamation - 100 Words in Classes 1, 2, 3 Children

Dirty Sound Category - 150 Words Classes 4, 5 Children

Noise pollution is not safe for our health. It does more than make an unpleasant noise to our ears. Similarly it reduces our performance as well. Noise pollution brings many real diseases to people. Some of these diseases are particularly dangerous and incurable. Their results are alarming.

Excessive noise pollution testing has reduced human productivity. It also affects the amount of abuse, and people feel tired in the short term. Noise contamination can adversely affect a pregnant woman.


Blood pressure and hypertension are the result of noise pollution. Additions can be permanent or temporary. Indeed, even animals cannot cope with noise pollution. They get angry and lose control of their brain. Due to noise pollution, plant and plant growth is slower than normal.

Phase Contamination - 200 Words Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Noise pollution is one of the most dangerous things in our life. Noise pollution is not as equally safe, as other pollutants such as water, air and soil. There are various aspects of noise pollution in the world. A few of its sources start in our homes.

We must control the initial noise pollution from our homes. The main thing we have to do is adjust the volume of the television program and audio. High volume volume for a long time is very harmful. Similarly, we should prevent the use of contaminants such as Mixer, Washing Machine and Vacuum Cleaner. We cannot stop the use of vehicles. Indeed, we can reduce its use. Unnecessary use of horns in cars is the main purpose of polluting external noise. We should whistle when needed. Our cars also should not make too much noise. Our vehicles must be maintained regularly.


Heavy industries should use low-noise equipment. The now-established machine has refused to make unnecessary noise. In addition, manufacturing industries should be kept away from human societies. This consideration will no doubt help to reduce noise pollution.

Phase Contamination - 250 to 300 words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competition Test Students

Noise pollution is a dangerous blessing that can be done to the environment and to oneself. High levels of unwanted noise in the world are the cause of noise pollution. It causes tons of health problems in humans, animals and plants too. To prevent this, we need to know the various causes of noise pollution.

Noise pollution is a result of the growth of cities and industries around the world. Urban migration is intensified by the movement of the city and a large population. Increases cars and their noise, causing noise pollution at a noticeable level.


Industrial Innovation introduces new products to the market. It all consists of large, noisy machines. These devices create long-term noise pollution. The impact of noise pollution on these devices covers a large area around the industry and influences many people.

The noise of a military aircraft flying at a very high altitude has also had a similar effect on noise pollution in the surrounding area. Even if they make noise pollution in a very short time, the damage they do continues to last longer than others. In addition, pollution of heavy vehicles such as buses, trains, trucks, and airplanes exerts the same negative impact on us.


******* At various festivals, parties, and events is an important source of pollution. Sound music, generator, and other noisy objects such as vacuum cleaner, blender and are a source of noise pollution. We need to be considerate and committed to improving our health. It affects all ages of people, especially children, the elderly, people with heart problems. A quiet place will be a good place and a comfortable place for everyone.

Phase Contamination - 250 to 300 words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competition Test Students

Frequently asked questions in a polluted environment

Question 1.

What are some of the types of pollution?


There are many types of pollution that greatly affect our environment. Some of the most important types of pollution include air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, soil pollution, which ultimately leads to ultimate air cooling and ultimately global warming.


Question 2.

How can we stop sources of noise pollution?


Noise pollution, if taken seriously, starts in our house. From high prices on TV, washing machine, washing machine etc. Therefore, as long as we use these electrical appliances when they are needed they will be very convenient. Unnecessary driving should be stopped. High-quality equipment used for industrial purposes that makes low noise should be selected. And in ceremonies and ceremonies, the use of high-volume sounds and fireworks should be banned or prohibited.

Question 3.

What are some of the causes of noise pollution?


Noise pollution can lead to deafness, heart disease, high blood pressure etc.

Question 4.

Can animals be affected by noise pollution?


Yes, with animals, noise pollution can be a major factor

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