Paragraph on water pollution of 960+words

 Article on Water Pollution in 960+ Words


Here, you will read Essay on student water pollution in 960+ words. We also explain the facts, causes, consequences, and measures of control and protection.

So, let's start the Essay on Water Pollution…

What is Water Pollution?


‘Loss of Water Power in Waters such as lakes, seas, and groundwater due to man-made toxic substances is known as Water Pollution’. The combination of toxic substances in water and sleeping underwater reduces water levels. This process will be given to our daily activities and drinking which is also a great danger to our lives.

Causes of Water Pollution

Freshwater is only 25% of all water sources, 70% of industrial wastewater is polluted, more than six billion garbage dumps, and most of the plastic is dumped into the sea.


There is a point warned in the newspapers in July quoting, and there will be more plastic bottles than fish near the upcoming beaches. Additional effect on flora and fauna with the details provided:

 80% of indoor sewage causes water pollution, and water is a major source of cholera and typhus in humans.


Fifteen million children under the age of five died from water-related diseases, and 2.5 million were affected worldwide. Eleven million gallons of radio equipment connected to the Pacific Ocean in 2011, the Tsunami swept through Japan and the ruins of 70 K.M.s islands.


Asia is a populous continent where bacteria from human wildlife appear to be on the rise. Millions of tons of human waste are dumped into the water, worldwide.


The most polluted river in the world contains pollution, garbage, dead animals and people in our country- the Ganges. Groundwater is contaminated with arsenic, highly toxic, toxic and carcinogenic in Bangladesh.

China's drinking water is polluted, about 20% of Carcinogen. About 40% of rivers and 46% of lakes are polluted and unsuitable for swimming, fishing or any other activity in the United States and sewage is harmful to water bodies.

Facts about water pollution

More than a dozen facts about Water Pollution, including pollution from industry, agriculture, energy production, sewage and other activities. The Mississippi River carries 1.5 million tons of debris into the Gulf of Mexico.

About 1.2 Trillion liters of untreated sewage, flood water, and industrial waste dispose of U.S. water resources


About 70% of industrial waste is dumped into the water without treatment, and more than 80% of the waste is recycled. About 20,000 uncontrolled, uncontrolled hazardous waste can be contaminated if leaked.


The dumping of animal waste and industrial waste into the Yangtze River has reached 25 billion tons, with more than 70% of rivers and lakes being polluted in China and unsuitable for human consumption.

Industrial waste is estimated at 300-400 MT of wastewater annually, and Nitrate from agriculture is common in freshwater in the world.

Causes of Water Pollution

Human activities are a major cause of Water Pollution in the loss of industrial waste, rising temperatures, depletion of oxygen, and deforestation. Underground storage leaks, streams, debris, spills, leaks, discarded springs, leaky sewage system.

River damage resulting in reduced effects on agriculture and fisheries. The continued decline in residences due to the many tons of dam, has increased evaporation from dams, especially in a large area.

Degradation of wetlands, industrial waste disposal, mining can increase the amount of minerals and salts in the water. Agriculture leading to soil erosion, as well as an increase in nutrients through the use of pesticides.

Effects of Water Pollution

Water pollution is very dangerous to humans, animals and water health. The impact on humans, animals and aquatic animals can be catastrophic, depending on the type of chemical, the concentration of pollution.

Urban waste is transferred to nearby water sources, landfill, illegal dumping, dumping site, illegal dumping of production units, health facilities, and hospitals, school and market areas (Garbage).

Loss of aquatic animals: - Water pollution kills aquatic organisms; we often find dead fish, *****, birds and Seagulls, Dolphins and other animals due to Water pollution.

 Small animals will eat cracks in the food chains: - Leader, and Cadmium, these will be eaten by fish, and the same will be eaten by humans or others will be a great catastrophe and a great threat to food mixing and land loss of water species in particular.

Human health, the environment, Animal Disease are important and common problems that will be affected, leading to significant economic costs for cleanup. The U.S. Tourism Industry It loses billions of dollars a year from fishing and recreational activities due to water pollution in the country.

How can you control water pollution?

There are many industries that create water pollution by dumping sewage into the oceans, and accidental spills are causing many environmental consequences. Do not release oil, grease or lubricate with Cink Sink, instead keep the waste container and dispose of it in solid waste.

Do not dispose of contaminated beverages, pills, drugs, or medications in the Drain. Instead, use the recommended disposal methods to control water pollution. Do not use toilets such as Bin, minimal use of soaps, pesticides and fertilizers. Proper waste disposal, promoting sanitation and management.

Save water, promote environmentally friendly products, promote greenery, and support green-prone products, promoting ineffective and inefficient options does not improve plasticity. Dispose of used oil in van Pet animal waste collection sites, encourage organic farming, and report local pollution activities to local authorities.

Install water-saving household appliances and participate in Preventing water pollution or storing water in pollution campaigns.

The conclusion


Improve more services to save important water schemes where possible, provide greater water and health debt, Do not waste or pollute rivers, Pay for water services and participate in solving or fixing any water problems, saving water and thus conserving our water and environment. The people at the nearby water sources provide us with great security and care in a sustainable and promising life for our planet.

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